No Sync

No Sync are Mikel Krumins, James Gloyn and Dan Gorman. They go way back, all having been involved in various ways since 2000 with the Forest in Edinburgh, a experimental arts space masquerading as a vegetarian cafe. They all have made music separately, and now, for the first time, together. The music was recorded on a variety of non-midi keyboards live in session in Hackney, east London in 2013, this album is an introduction to landscaped glitch-hop. All done in one take, with drifting synths, samples and beats all improvised. Our influences range from CMG to 7VWWVW
The album cover and the name come from a broken projector we saw when we were at a party at Amhurst Republic after recording all day.
James Gloyn makes music as part of Mal Voyage
Mikel Krumins makes music as himself
Dan Gorman makes music as Danseizure